Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Darlington, day one

Sorry for the delay, it was due to technical problems...
Perdón por el retraso, fue debido a problemas técnicos...
Today was tiring for us, but it was also very funny playing with the English students.The English children have many things in common with us. They were very kind with us, and there we made many friends. This trip was a good election!!!  With the presentations we were nervous but we did it very good.
Moms and dads, we are in good hands. You have to be calm, we are learning English and having fun.
Good bye and thanks for your attention.....      

Hoy ha sido un día agotador, pero ha sido también muy divertido jugar con los estudiantes ingleses. Los niños ingleses tienen muchas cosas en común con nosotros. Ellos han sido muy amables con nosotros, y hemos ellos muchos amigos.¡Este viaje a sido una buena elección. Con las presentaciones hemos estado muy nerviosos pero lo hemos hecho muy bien.
Madres y padres,  estamos en buenas manos. Tenéis que calmaros, estamos aprendiendo inglés y nos estamos divirtiendo. Adiós y gracias por vuestra atención.,

By Diego, Alejandro Mayor and David

1 comment:

  1. sonia garcia vizuete18 May 2010 at 14:40

    Hello everyone
    I would like to be there with you¡ But, I am in Spain, with the job of everyday.
    You look like tired but happy, and like a mother, this is good for me, because I feel you are learning but enjoying too.`It´s fantastic for all of you, being in other country, and knowing how other people live.
    One million kisses
    p/d. To proffesor: How are you? Tired, I supose. Be funny¡
