Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Hello again,

Today, I'd like to propose an activity for you. We all know that taking care of the environment concerns all of us. From this space, I'd like to invite you to write some ideas of little things that we can do in our families to help fight pollution and climate change. 

I'll start:
  • We can turn off the lights when we leave a room (that one was easy).
Try to think of all the small things that you do in your daily lives, and also suggest ideas that we can put into practise.

I'm looking forward to reading your comments!


  1. Hello!

    I think that we can save our planet whith many caind of activities for example we can :

    -Do not use many plastic.
    -Recicle and not trougth the things to the river or some others habitats.
    -And saing all the things we know (to recicle or something like that) and they can do it too.

    Eva Vinuesa.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hello
    i think we can help the planet without throwing plastic bags to the sea , because many animals can eat one and die.Like the tortoise thay thet eat jellyfish and they can confuse and eat a plastic bag and die.This is my opinion goodbye.

    by isidro verde Spain

  4. Hy:
    Some things that we can do are:

    -Close the faucet when we wash our theet.
    -Take a shower instead of a bath.
    -Recicle and more things.

  5. Hello:
    We can do many things for save our planet, but things that are most important for me are:

    -Use more the public transport.
    -Throw batteries and aerosols in specials containers.
    -Recycle everything we can

  6. Hi,
    We can do lots of things to save our planet like:
    -Avoid use aerosols sprays because they destroy the ozone layer.
    -Plant trees.
    -Try to use recycled paper to not cut so many trees.
    -Avoid unnecessary consumption of water.
    -Save energy.
    -Use public transport to avoid polluting the air with CO2.
    Ana Pariente.

  7. Hello again:

    I think that the nuclear energy can give to us many things but the gas that goes to the atmosfera produce an efect that can change our temperature and we could died, our planet too.

  8. hellow,I think that factories are contaminated because produce a lot of (humo) jejeje and contaminate a lot the world.
    ellow: loren,anita,nana,leli and..... no more!!!!
    bye :)


    Recycle , use more the public transports , use less pesticides and herbicides , use electric or ecologic cars or use deodorant that don’t damage the Ozone Layer are useful to fight against the pollution or the climate change . For example recycle is useful because you can reuse a bottle or other important things. Also you can make ecologic shoes made up of recycle materials.

    By Fernando Borrego Lorente

  10. Hello! I think we can do many things to save our planet,this are some examples: -When we go to the market we can use a big bag made of strong plastic and use it every time we go to the market. -Take short showers instead of baths -Dont go in car when you can go walking -Dont use many paper,because if we use much paper they have to cut trees and we need trees to breath well And many things more. By Ana Garcia.

  11. hellow:
    I think that the hidroelectrc is good because he generate electricity and ther is a clen way.
    the hot rocks is other clen way to form energy and I thik that.... (se me olvido) xDxD.
    un saludo pa anita nana loren I leli.
    from Bachi!!!

  12. hello again I can´t´do more coments because my father (me ha kitao el ordenador)
    bye :( :s

  13. Thank you all for your comments. Please keep up the good work!

  14. hello childres of all the school i like all of your coments i think that is important recicle I am very happy see you later

  15. I am very bored I don`t like the summer because is a time very hot .If you have e-mail send to me anything you like my e-mail is jsoti10@gmail.com and if you have msn jsoti10@hotmail.com
