Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Caring for my friends, caring for my planet

Hello everyone!

Welcome to our new blog, in which we will keep you informed about the news and activities that our schools organize together. We are three schools involved in this project:

Whinfield School, in Darlington, U.K.
Gazi Osman Öztürk Ylkooretim Okulu, in Kirsehir, Turkey
CEIP Ocejón, in Guadalajara, Spain

See you soon!


  1. I think that this topic is very important.I go to say some examples to care the planet:not leave the tap open too long , no a shower too long , the radiator is not very high , no littering , do not use sprays , ensure no leakage of gas, water...This is my opinion.Bye friends.
    Writing by Daniel Sedano,Spain

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hy:
    This are some ideas to help the enviroment:
    -Through the rubish into the been and no to the floor.
    If you are'nt using a light bulb and is on, turn it off.
